Friday, May 14, 2010


This week was eventful as the NBA playoffs are continuing. The Lakers swept like they were supposed to beating a beaten up Jazz team in 4 straight games completing the sweep. Their next opponent is the Suns who also swept their opponents, the Spurs, in 4 straight games as well. The eastern conference is being dominated by the Orlando Magic who ALSO swept their opponents the Hawks by beating them in 4 games. The only team not to sweep is the Celtics who have good reason to not sweep as they were playing everybody's favorite team to jump on their band wagon, the Cavaliers. The Cavs had the best record in the NBA this season, but then again they play in the East which is much weaker than the West is. This was Lebron's last year in his contract with the Cavs so he probably won't be coming back after 2 straight disappointing seasons with the Cavs. They have had the best record in the NBA for 2 straight seasons but still haven't won a title either of those years. And with the best player in the league, that isn't cutting it.

This off season is going to be one of the biggest ever when it comes to free agents and how many high caliber players there are entering free agency this year. LeBron, Dwayne Wade, and possibly Chris Bosh are all going to be free agents meaning they can sign with whatever team they want to for as much money as they are offered which will be higher than a lot of people will ever make in their life.

While having the best team, but still no championships, the Cavalier's head coach is on the chopping block. To be honest, he didn't do that much, because how much do you have to do as a coach when you have the best player in the NBA on your team? Now he will most likely have to prove himself without that best player, because he will most likely be leaving for some other town this off season (see above). So this will be his year to prove himself as a coach, trying to make the playoffs without his star player who carried his team's weight on his shoulders the entire time he was there.

The Atlanta Hawks also let go of their coach following their early exit from the playoffs at the hands of the Magic who swept them in 4 games in record fashion. Well, they didn't really let him go, they just aren't going to re-sign him after his contract expired on Monday. This one I don't really understand though, as he brought the team from almost nothing (winning only 13 games in 2004-2005) to actually being something (making the playoffs the past 3 years and winning 53 games this season). So for you future head coaches out there, keep this in mind. No matter what you have done for your team, they will always be looking to upgrade you for something they feel is better, even if it isn't.

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