Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The rules of love change from person to person and relationship to relationship. Most of the rules are made up for specific relationships due to everybody being different. Then again there are some rules that apply to every relationship like no cheating, but even rules like that can vary for different relationships. Usually, the guy asks the girl, and the guy does almost all of the stuff like pay for dinner and stuff that the girl wants. He also usually is responsible for picking the girl up and just being nice in general. The girl, on the other hand, usually gets to choose what she wants to do and the guy will pretty much have to do whatever the girl wants to make her happy, or she will be angry.

The consequences for violating the rules is usually breaking up and ending the relationship, or sometimes people forgive each other and give it another chance. This is usually the case for people who have been together for longer and feel more comfortable with each other, and don't want all the time they spent with each other to go to waste. There is give and take in relationships and finding the balance is sometimes hard to do. With relationships that are longer, the people know each others boundaries and the balance is much easier to find, but with relationships that are newer, the balance is paper thin, and there is not as much give and take in it as other longer relationships.

So all in all, relationships are almost all give and take, and it takes a lot of things going right to make one work. People who don't know how to sometimes settle, usually have a harder time in finding a balance with someone else to have a good relationship with.

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