Friday, May 7, 2010

Lit Circle Letter 1

"From his seat behind her she hear Jeff Garrett mumble under his breath, 'That Griffin's the sort of guy you'd like to kill.'"

That quote really summarizes the first section in a quick sentence. The story is about a high school teacher nobody really likes for his tough grading system and unforgiving traits. After a confrontation during his class one day with one of the "popular" boys in the class, Jeff, he doesn't realize that one of his students would go as far as to say something like that. Jeff's friends even think he is just joking, but after talking to him about it, they realize he is serious and honestly thinks they could pull something off to only scare him, at least that was the plan to begin with.

The plan was to have someone lure him to staying after school, kidnap him, blindfold him, take him up to the hills, and watch as he begged and pleaded to show what it felt like to not be in control. I haven't read what actually happens to him yet so I don't know exactly what happens during their plan, and if anything went wrong, but judging by the title of the book, I'm pretty sure something does.

The person that they use to lure Mr. Griffin in is a "nerdy" girl in the English class as she is a junior in a senior lit class and also the main character. I don't fully understand why they chose her. I know the book tries to explain it, but not in full detail. They just say that Jeff thinks that Mr. Griffin wouldn't suspect Sue, the girl, to be part of something like the kidnapping so she wouldn't get in trouble because it would seem like just a coincidence. I still don't fully understand why they would chose her if they never talk to her and why she actually went along with them.

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