Friday, May 14, 2010

Lit Circle Letter 2

"'You mean-not tell anybody?' Susan said in amazement.
'Why should we do that?'
'Why, because-because-there's a man dead!'
'Would he be any less dead if we told people?'
'No, of course not. But you can't just have somebody die and not report it."

This quote shows the scrambling that the kids in Mr. Griffin's are going through after Mr. Griffin died when he wasn't supposed to as they put it. They meant it to only be a joke, but when they left him out in wild unattended for too long, the teacher they all hated was dead. The plan was to "kidnap" him and make him beg for his life, just like he made one of his students do when he was in class the previous year when he caught him cheating. So as revenge, the kid wanted to make Mr. Griffin beg for his life, but when Griffin refused, the kid became frustrated. Since he was on the basketball team, he decided to just leave him out there until after his game which would be about 7 hours time total. But when the innocent girl and the Senior class president go out to check up on him, they find that he is dead and start to panic. They all have their alibis as to where they were in case Griffin got mad about the kidnapping, but now they might need them for something much more bad and they could actually end up going to jail for this.

I'm really enjoying this book and how it is starting to unravel. It is interesting to see how they decide to handle their situation. Since they thought out the pre-kidnapping so deeply, they didn't even think something like this could happen and go this wrong. So when it did, they didn't have enough time to figure it out and actually solve the problem. So it will be interesting to me to see how they deal with that and the solutions they come up with to solve their problem they started with what they meant to only be a joke.

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