Friday, May 21, 2010


So this is the last free topic blog post for me for this school year and quite possibly my last ever, so I want this one to be one of my best. My favorite sport of the year is well gone as football ended in February. Basketball is coming to an end with my favorite team, the Lakers, on the verge of their 18th NBA title, if they are able to win only 6 more games out of a possible 12 this year. That is only going .500 for the rest of the season and the coveted championship is theirs. The only thing is, they are playing the elite teams in the NBA so it definitely will not be a walk in the park. The Finals start June 3rd and by that time, school will almost be over and the only thing standing between the students at Alameda High and summer will be finals, only a different kind. We won't be playing basketball, we will just be taking about 10 hours worth of tests of everything we have learned this year. That's it.

I am really lucky that I enjoy almost all sports or else I don't know what I would be blogging about right now. There are a few sports I don't hate, but definitely don't enjoy as much as other people probably do. One of those is baseball. I just hated playing it as a kid, so watching it isn't much better for me. This is difficult for me because a lot of my friends play baseball for Alameda High so they are always talking about it a lot when we hang out. I just find it boring and too slow paced for me to enjoy, but who am I to talk, I play golf and actually like watching it sometimes. I guess if you play something, it is easier to watch because you can appreciate what the pros are doing and go out and try to copy them. Inspiration always makes things easier to do, so what is more inspiring than watching another human being doing something great at the sport that you play. So I can understand if you play a sport like tennis or golf, and like watching it because I am in a similar position.

There are of course sports that are entertaining if you play them or not, like football and basketball. Well, maybe not basketball because I used to play when I was younger, and still kinda "play" pick up games like during P.E. But football is truly America's sport. Nobody, NOBODY says football is boring, and if you find someone who does, go get them checked at the doctor's. Football is fast paced and always entertaining unless some team is getting the crap beat out of them and it's a blowout, which is kind of rare. And if you can't tell by now, I love watching football and basketball, and with those seasons almost all done, I will be bored out of my mind during the summer when I'm not doing something with my friends. So there it is, quite possibly my last free topic blog post ever. Hope you enjoyed this and all my others.

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