Friday, March 19, 2010

What's New?

So just like I said a week ago, the NCAA tournament is some of the most entertaining TV on. Not only is it entertaining normally, but especially if you have some money on it. An eight dollar buy in with 34 people leaves 274 dollars to the winner. It is still early, but in my group, I am right in the middle. As long as I am in striking distance when it comes to the elite eight, I am still in it.

Some say that the opening round of this years tournament is the most exciting in years. Imagine if you were practically betting money on those exciting games. That just triples the excitement. Jumping up and down when your team wins knowing what the ultimate prize is. Realizing that you are rooting for them today, but next week you will probably be rooting against them. It is the perfect mixture.

For instance, I am rooting for Cornell today because when they won, they got me 2 points for their win being an upset. This weekend, I don't want them to win because I already picked them to lose. If they win, I hate them forever. Well, not forever. But it just shows how quickly you can like a team, then hate them when you have a bracket.

So this last week was really entertaining when it comes to sports. It started off on Saturday night with the fight. To be honest, I wanted Clottey to win just to see someone beat Pacquiao to see if it could be done. Obviously it can't right now. And when he fights Floyd Mayweather, I will definitely be rooting, and probably betting, for Pacquiao. When Pacquiao won, I realized something. This man can not be beaten and the only reason Mayweather doesn't want to fight him is because he is scared to be beaten. Imagine this. You are an undefeated boxer. Would you want to fight the guy who can't be beat right now? Didn't think so.

It is almost that wonderful time of the year. That would be the time of the NFL draft. It is now under 5 weeks away and for the first time will be on in prime time Thursday night. If you are a true fan of whatever team you like, you will park yourself in front of the TV April 22nd and watch the 3 hours of the draft. That would prove to everyone that you are a true fan to the game. And don't think that the draft is a boring show. No no no no, it is actually some of the most compelling TV on. The hope you have for your team heading into it, and the inevitable sadness that you have after watching it. Well, here is to hoping that your team does good, unless your team is the Patriots, then I hope your team drafts the worst players available.

And let's not forget about the NBA. The Warriors are still sucking and the Lakers are still winning. What's new?

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