Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Down These Mean Streets Part 2

In the beginning of the second section of Things Fall apart, Piri tries to get a job, but is passed up based purely on his race. He knows this because his white friend gets the same job. The people at the job say they will contact him because they are pretty full at the time and aren't hiring at that time. They didn't know that his friend went in right after him and got the same job that Piri just lost. Piri also gets older and the streets get to him as he joins a gang. All of these things shape who Piri becomes and are still a part of him today.

This section of the book was definitely easier to read because a lot more was happening and especially because I wasn't constantly being introduced to new people time after time. It just flows better when you can actually start reading about events that happened and not keep reading details about each new person you read about.

I didn't annotate as much this time mostly because I had to read a lot more in a shorter period of time. I did remember a lot more of what I read though, because I was more focused on reading and not so focused on the other things I usually do when I read like watch TV or look up stuff online. I've also been more tired because of daylights savings time, so I've been getting a lot of reading done before I go to bed.

I actually got a lot of my questions answered in the second section of the book because of how much more of the story unfolded and not that many questions had arisen for me. I'm looking forward to reading the third section of the book, but not really looking forward to the final book review which is only a week away.

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