Friday, March 12, 2010


Today we watched video about food. There were some questions that went along with it that made me think. A lot. In the past few days I have been eating a lot of junk food, but I have always been aware of the effects that those junk foods have on my body and my health. I also realize that the food I am eating is in no way healthy and how bad it actually is. A lot of the stuff in the video, I already knew. But I also learned a lot about stuff I didn't know earlier. For example, I knew about all the sugar in foods we eat or drink everyday. I also knew about all of the different names for sugar and how deceiving low fat foods can be. One thing I learned is how many diseases are cause by people's diet and how many deaths per year in America are due to diet.

I wish I could cook so then I would always know what is in the stuff I am eating. Not that I would know about everything, but that I would at least know about some of the stuff I am eating. The only problem with me and my cooking future is the fact that I am too lazy to really learn about cooking and all of the time it takes most of the time. Anything that takes under 10 minutes to cook, I know how to make. The ramen, the quesadillas, I know all about them. Its the foods that actually take some effort and focus that are the problems for me. I also don't like to cook because I know I can just buy what I want, and it will probably taste way better. I also don't like to cook because I can't really cook what I want at the time. Whenever I crave something, it is usually something not very healthy. Like mexican, or chinese, or something deep fried. Not the greatest for me. But don't get me wrong. I do sometimes crave something healthy. Especially fruit. The only problem with me and my cravings when it comes to fruit is I eat all of that fruit I can find for about a week, but after that, I am so burnt out on that fruit that I don't want to eat it for about 3 months.

But what I can cook, I can cook great. Like quesadillas. I love them because it takes like 5 minutes to make, and you can put almost whatever you want in them. Craving some pop tarts? Just throw them in there. No, actually don't. That would be gross. But when it comes to college, I got cooking down. My menu is pretty much set for my 4 years away from home. I may come back 300 pounds heavier, but you can't say I can't take care of myself anymore. Ok maybe you still can say that. My food may not be the healthiest, but it is cheap and that is probably the main reason I will eat it.

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