Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lit Circle Letter 3

In part three of "Down These Mean Streets" it starts off with Piri as a heroine addict who finds himself caught up in the life of the streets. He starts off selling heroine on the streets. That all changed when he was selling with his friends Billy and Danny and they were caught by the police. Piri freaks out and shoots the cop out of bad instinct. He is then sentenced to 5-15 years in prison without parole at first. He is let out 6 years later and thinks about escaping there instead of going to his probation hearing. He ends up going to the hearing where he is sentenced to 3 years probation. After he is let out, he is offered to do some drugs again with his friends, but as a result of him changing, he politely declines. This shows how much Piri changed during his time in jail.

I read the book mostly when I was about to go to bed so I didn't remember a lot of what I had just read. So later, I had to go back and re read the last section. It was a good book, and I enjoyed reading it even though I don't remember some of it. The fact that this actually happened to Piri makes the story that much better in my eyes. My annotating has really slowed down because of how tired I have been as I have been reading it. But re reading it helps me probably more than annotating would. For me annotating has just never really been that useful, but I still try to do it because I realize it makes it much easier to get details when writing something like a monthly review. Instead of having to have to look for something you thought was important, you can just write it down that you thought it was important, and go back and look at it later.

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