Friday, March 12, 2010

Sick Make Up

So my last post was a bit out of the ordinary as it had absolutely nothing to do with sports. Like none whatsoever. Well don't get used to it. It's right back to the usual with this post. I mean how can you not talk about sports with March Madness here? The excitement, the bets, it just makes March the best month for college sports.

The NFL off season began and there have been a numerous amount of signings this year. The off season is a great way to keep up the anticipation in between the Superbowl and the NFL draft. It is like a way to keep your hopes up for your team, no matter how bad they were or how bad they are going to be. You always have your fantasy of how the season will play out and it always ends with your team winning the Superbowl. But let's be honest now. How many teams win the Superbowl? 1? How many people do you think say "I told ya so" at the end of the season after their team wins it, even though they have been saying the same thing for over 30 years. The team could have gone 1-15 the previous season, but that person will still say "you watch, they are going to win it all this season." And that one year that they happen to be right, their friends will never hear the end of it. I feel for you, really I do.

Then of course, there are those horrible band wagoners. They switch teams every year, claiming to be a fan of them ever since they were little. Please... For the record, I only have 4 teams in both the NBA and the NFL. They are the Lakers, the Warriors, the 49ers, and the Ravens. You won't see any hopping over here. I stick with my teams, whether they suck or not. I, of course, will root for a certain team, but not become a fan of that team. Especially if a team I hate is playing. For instance, the Patriots and the Celtics. I hate both teams. So when they are playing on national TV I will tune in to see how the game is going. If it's close, I stick with that game and hope that they get killed out there. Not literally though. But I will definitely root for the other team. Not become a fan, but root. There is a difference for sure. So don't call me a band wagoner if you see me saying I told you so if these teams do good. I of course am being somewhat of a hypocrite, but DO NOT CALL ME A BAND WAGONER.

People ask me, why do you like those teams. To tell you the truth, I like the Warriors and 49ers because they are local teams. I like the Lakers because my brother always use to watch them when I was younger, so I got hooked early. And the Ravens, believe it or not, I like because my dad hates them. Yes you heard right. I tend to like teams that other people in my family dislike, just to mess with them. They always stuck with me though, so that's how that happened.

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