Friday, February 5, 2010

The Game of Hype

This week has been boring to say the least. Nothing of interest has happened and I have had a bunch of homework which I had to do because it is the second semester (not that I don't do it all the time). Also nothing interesting in sports has happened so I have been unbelievably bored (and tired) all week. I will just have to make with what I got.

The Pro Bowl was last week and I blogged about it earlier. I stated it was a useless game and nobody had any reason to play in it except for the pay day for the winning team. I mean, nobody from the Superbowl was even allowed to play for obvious reasons.

The Superbowl is also this weekend and it will be extremely interesting for not only everybody watching, but especially for me. I watch football every weekend for the hope that my team will make it somewhere (Miami this year). So I honestly can not wait for this game. I also have a bunch of money riding on it, but I am not gonna say how much or for who.

We have known who was going to play this Sunday for two weeks and it is finally time to get the game going. A bunch of talk leading up to the game is just that, talk. It doesn't get you anything in the game unless your opponent is extremely weak willed and lets things get to them very easily. But it makes for great TV and CBS must be eating it all up for the hope of astronomically high ratings (last year scored a 42 on the ratings which is one of the highest ratings any show has ever gotten). I am just hoping that the game itself lives up to all the hype.

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