Friday, February 19, 2010


Now that the football season is over, it seems as if I have run out of stuff to blog about. This looks to be the end of my blog...NOT. There are still plenty of sports to talk about especially now that the Olympics are starting. However, for me, it does not really seem like the Olympics. Especially after the death of the Georgian Lugist. I will admit it though, I have been watching. I am sure there have been more exciting Olympics than these, but I am entertained. I have almost been on the edge of my seat and I have even yelled when someone crashes during a race. I almost screamed when the two Koreans crashed into each other. When they went flying into the wall, I thought the one's blades was going directly into the others face.

It is also almost the basketball playoffs. Well not quite, but we're getting there. The Warriors still stink, but they do look promising with their young line up. The Lakers are looking great, even without their star player, Kobe Bryant. They were 4-0 entering their game with the Celtics, and they still only lost by 1. For missing a player who averages about 30 points a game, they would have handled them if Kobe was in the line up. Not only that, but he is the most clutch player in the NBA, no doubt. He has the most game winning shots in the entire league, and without him for that last second shot, the Lakers suffered.

On the other hand, Lebron is one of the least clutch players. He had 3 straight shots to win and/or tie the game in the last minute, and he missed them all. What kind of clutch player is that? How can you be the best player in the NBA, but you can't even hit a 3? MVP? I think we know who it SHOULD be this year.

1 comment:

  1. I can dig this to see some of the directions you might pivot to in the coming weeks.
