Friday, January 29, 2010

The Pro Bowl

I am going to be completely honest right now because I totally forgot about doing a blog post. Now for the actual post. This Sunday is the Pro Bowl and many players are not even going to play in it. This is raising many questions among fans such as "What is even the point" or "why even watch?" By moving the Pro Bowl to before the Super Bowl, the NFL thought that that would bring more of a sense of importance to the game that actually means nothing. Not only are the fans upset, but the players are as well. Why would they move it from Hawaii, many of them are asking. Why should I even risk injury in this meaningless game? These are questions that need answering.

Some solutions are obvious. Obviously move the Pro Bowl back to Hawaii. Next, make the game actually mean something. Reward the winning conference with home field advantage for the Super Bowl the next year. I mean, I do not understand how hard this could be. I'm almost 16 and I am capable of making decisions. Why can't grown men who get paid to do it, do it? It's really not that difficult.

The football "all-star game" is by far the worst and most meaningless of all all star games. Even baseball, which I feel is the most boring out of all sports, strikes more excitement in me. Because it is actually worth something. Why would anyone take a game not worth anything seriously? It's kind of common sense and has blown right over the NFL's executives heads. I will watch the game, but not because of the excitement, but because I want to see the bay area's representatives make a name for themselves on a national stage. So I guess I can't say it doesn't mean anything anymore, but it really is next to nothing.

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