Friday, December 4, 2009

Raider Fans Take A Stand

That is the link to a website pleading with a sickly Al Davis to step down and hire a gm and a "Super Bowl Caliber" coach. They have even paid for a 5,000 plus dollar billboard seen here: . For all those disgruntled Raider fans out already sick of DHB and other draft busts (see JaMarcus Russel) thanks to Al, I urge to sign that petition and help send a message. If your sick of your head coach being caught up in investigations for beating another coach, then i urge you to sign that petition. Ok I think you get my point.

While they have looked somewhat impressive over the past couple of weeks, I highly doubt that was because of great GM-ing or coaching, rather great play with lots of passion. Who knows, maybe the whole Coach Cable thing motivated them to actually play better and make more a headline nationally other than your coach getting unneeded attention for an unnecessary distraction for his team. I mean can you imagine trying to play for a coach who isn't focused on football or even his team for that matter. They were pretty much on their own facing NFL teams. Not some pee-wee teams but players who are looking to kill and won't show any mercy. That's tough.

On a brighter Bay Area note, the 49ers won a game against a good team in the Jacksonville Jaguars. They beat them by a final score 20-3 after forcing 2 red zone fumbles on David Garrard. Frank Gore also continued his streak of games with a TD after a TD catch in the corner tapping his toes with a circus catch. After an impressive win such as that, one has to wonder if they are on their way to the playoffs. Now look at their team and their organization. A focused coach with good draft picks over the years with the exception of Alex Smith early in his career but it seems he is finally paying off for them with impressive showings each week since taking the starting job from Shaun Hill in Houston. Take note Raider fans or should i say Al Davis.

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