Friday, December 18, 2009


This week is the last week of school until winter break and it really doesn't feel like it. Two weeks from now I will be sad and really missing all that extra sleep I could of had, but I hope to make these days count. Many can't wait till school is over or until they are in college but I am the opposite not wanting days to go by as quickly trying to enjoy my final 2 and half years of high school.

Back to football talk now. The Forty Niners laid the wood against the Cardinals and one of the ESPN writers is quoted to saying that the owner of the Cardinals only owns the team 363 days a year, the Niners own them the other two. That basically sums up the season for the Forty Niners as they either do great against a team or completely suck and can't do anything football related to save their lives. When the Niners beat the Cardinals 24-9 on Monday on National Television cemented their place in the eyes of all football watchers across the US. They are for real and here to stay with a bright future of young players coming up as the next generation of 49er's football. A good sign.

The raiders are officially tired of JaMarcus Russel as they have benched him for their 3rd string quarterback after Bruce Gradkowski went down with a knee injury last week against the Redskins. He couldn't move the team down the field and the Raiders didn't score a point the entire time Russel was in. If that's not a sign of how bad he is, I don't know what is. Al Davis must have seen the billboard asking for him to make some changes and took it to heart. Thank you Al for doing what's best for the team.

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