Friday, December 11, 2009


This is what I would like to call a hybrid post. Many ideas will be focused on and talked or typed about. Speaking of hybrids, we had an interesting quick write today about selling body parts to sponsors to be "super human". I strongly disagreed with the fact that it was even possible, but upon further thinking, I realized it's closer than I expected. I was even more surprised to hear that many people in OUR English class would actually sell their body parts to make some extra money. Now, I don't know if they realize that they wouldn't be making that much because if you think about it, anybody can be experimented on so the sponsors probably won't be paying that much. Think of it like this, you are the sponsor. Would you rather pay 2 people for experimenting 5 million dollars each, or 1000 people 10000 dollars each? That's how they're looking at this, so if this ever happens, don't expect too much money for your not so precious body parts.

I said this was a hybrid so here is my second part. It's about the very prestigious Heisman awarded to the most outstanding college football player in the nation. I strongly believe that Stanford running back Toby Gerhart deserves the award and the award and I am a Cal fan so that should tell you something. He ran over ranked teams averaging 158 rush yards per game against ranked opponents and led the FBS (kind of like the NFL but for college) in rushing TD's with 26. That is dominance that can be all contributed to consistency. He never rushed for under 84 yards in a game this season and averaged 5.6 yards per rush. Now if you don't watch football, you may not understand what I am talking about, but to put it in perspective, it takes 10 yards to get a first down and if you average just under 6 yards per carry, that's a first down every 2 plays making you dangerously good and a lot of trouble for your opponents. If you are interested in watching the heisman presentation, it airs on ESPN Saturday night at 5 PT (8 ET).

1 comment:

  1. Still dig your blog, man. "That's how they're looking at this, so if this ever happens, don't expect too much money for your not so precious body parts." Why didn't I think of it this way, too?
