Friday, November 20, 2009

A lot is going on right now

So just as quickly as it came, it is almost gone. I am of course talking about the NFL season which is already in its 10th of 17 weeks in this season. There are the usual suspects at the top of the standings which isn't always as exciting but this season is the first time in many years that we have had two teams undefeated this late in the season. It is also quite possible for them to play each other in the Super Bowl which would inevitably mean big bucks for sponsors and great commercials for everybody watching.

Basketball is starting to hit its stride for this season as teams are getting warmed up and getting used to playing with each other. And for you haters out there (Elijah), you can expect most of the same from the Lakers this year. This is also a year of newcomers for the NBA as it looks as if the Clippers might have a season that doesn't end with a lottery draft pick. The same can not be said for the Warriors this year as it looks as if they are smack dab in the middle of a rebuilding process as an organization. So again, expect the same out of the Warriors this season.

Last, but not least, it is the beginning of a new day. The current obsession at the moment is Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and to be honest, I am one of the obsessors. Like tonight, I spent about 3 hours straight playing which i consider to be way too much. However, there are people out there who have played over 6 hours straight which is probably why they are so much better (not really, but whatever.) And when I'm not playing that, you can find me playing madden 10 and pretty much whooping anybody in my way. I'm so modest.

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