Friday, November 6, 2009

Statement Of Purpose

In my original statement of purpose I stated that I would post videos of sports plays that I particularly liked and break them down individually with what made them work. While I haven't done exactly that, I feel I've done a pretty good job sticking with one subject for most of my posts. Sports is still something I like and always will like. Mostly because it plays such a big role in my life. I sit inside on rainy Sundays and I am completely capable of wasting an entire Sunday on watching 3-4 football games. Also now that the NBA season has started, that will hopefully give me more writing material.

My original writing goal was to use blogging to better my writing and even further my grammar skills. Knowing this, I feel I have actually grown a lot from my original skills, most of which is due to blogging. Another part of my growth is actually just being back in school. That 3 and a half month break can do things to the mind. Not that I don't love the break, though.

My goals in the second quarter are actually the same. Just make my writing better but don't stress over it too much. School is important, I know this for a fact, but it will be useless if you don't pace yourself. So I feel if I have any new goals for the 2nd quarter, it would be to pace myself and not over-stress about anything. I also hope I can still write about sports so I'm really counting on the NBA to give me some good material. If this season is anywhere close to as good as last season, I'll have no worries. But please don't let me down. If the Lakers just repeat, there will be no shortage of blog posts.

1 comment:

  1. As you may have figured out, I've really enjoyed your sports blog...I'm glad to hear you'll be continuing your work in the same vein. It really seems to be working out well for you.
