Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lit Circle Letter 3

In part 3 of Hole In My Life, the story starts off with Jack going to court for his involvement in the smuggling of hashish or hash on a boat. The only reason he even thought about accepting an offer like this was because he wanted to go to school for his writing career and this was a quick way to make that money. He is sentenced to a 5010B which is in his words "a youth sentencing". With that ruling, he can be sentenced to anything from 60 days to 6 years.

After finishing the book, I realized I did not like this book as much as I did the last one. This book kind of faded off and didn't have as much action as the last one my group read. The last story Down These Mean Streets had a lot of action throughout the story and never really stopped. This book started off with a bit of action when he is in jail and really didn't have anything until he gets busted on the boat smuggling hash.

As Jon said, this book is pretty easy to understand what he is talking about in context. I never really began annotating this book like I did Down These Mean Streets and I am sure that will make the monthly review more of a challenge when I have to type it. It is even making the lit circle letters harder to type as I have to go back to the book to find specific things I wanted to talk about. When I looked at the questions for the monthly review, a couple jumped out at me. "Find out about the author. How did they end up writing this particular book? Is the author's true life reflected in the book in any way(s)?" is really the one that stuck out for me and look forward to answering this one as I think it will be kind of easy to answer.

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