Friday, October 23, 2009

NBA Season Begins

This Tuesday is the start of the NBA regular season. This date has been marked on many people's calendars for a while now, including mine. While this day may not be much for most of you, it is a very big deal to me and many basketball fanatics out there for obvious reasons. For those of you who haven't watched a basketball game, i suggest you check it on Tuesday October 27th when the Cleveland Cavaliers play the Boston Celtics (BOO) or you could check out the reigning NBA champs Los Angeles Lakers face off against the Los Angeles Clippers.

For those of you who have never cared about basketball enough to watch it, here's some background info that could be useful for you and this basketball season. For instance, the NBA season is 82 games long which is plenty of time for your favorite (new or old) team to turn around any ill-fortune they have from last season.

And for those of you who like the games this Tuesday, I suggest you get a favorite team and start rooting now (I suggest the Lakers who WILL repeat this season). If you can't tell by now, I am a Laker fan. Have been since an early age mainly because of my brother who has liked them ever since Kobe has been playing for them.

And for those of you who have liked basketball long term, get on your favorite couch and get comfortable because you have a long season ahead of you if you don't like the Lakers. All I have to say is get used to Kobe with his rings because by the end of his career, he wont have enough fingers for all his rings. Am i getting over-confident? You can say that, but when the Lakers win ANOTHER title this year, I won't be afraid to say I told you so.

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