Friday, October 16, 2009

2 in 1

So since I was sick last week with what I've been told is just a flu, I have the opportunity to make up some work in all my classes this week. While it has been a lot of a hassle with all the extra work, it has actually been kinda fun knowing I can procrastinate even longer and still get ALL my work done. Take this post for example. 11:20 on a Friday night when I have 2 blog posts due. Not risky enough? I don't even know if it's ok to combine my 2 blogposts to make a SUPERPost as you would call it. Well here's to hoping it is.

Well back to post itself, it has been a pretty crazy week for me. Today was especially fun for me. Not only did I win candy for my English group (ya I won it), but I'm actually understanding Spanish 3. I even got a "punto" (point) for correctly correcting the Spanish CD. I have never felt more smart in a 1 hour 50 minute period of time.

If you've come here for my usual weekly sports post, well then this is the paragraph for you. This week was horrible for bay area sports and I honestly don't seeing it getting any better for the Raiders. After their worst loss of the year by far last week, the niners head into a bye week to regroup. The raiders, however, aren't as lucky as they are forced to face the tough Philadelphia Eagles. If you think last week was bad, imagine
what the Eagles can do with a healthy Donovan McNabb against the shaky, to say the least, Raider's pass defense. Lets just say it will make for a very interesting match up. And if you're into Fantasy Football, then this is the week that you start all the Eagle players and "Root root for the good team."

Like I said earlier, the Niners (or good team) have a bye week and look to prepare for their next opponents better than they did the Falcons. While I made fun of the Raiders "D" earlier, last week, the Niners Defense didn't look much better against a very balanced rushing and passing attack of the Falcons. With Michael Turner running for 97 yards and Roddy White receiving 210 of Matt Ryan's 329 passing yards, the Falcons looked like a well oiled machine while the Niners looked about as good as the rusty bike that's been left out for the past year. However, the Niners defense wasn't completely flat. Take, for example, the Dre Bly interception deep in their own redzone followed by the classic Deion Sanders high step. Too bad Dre hadn't even gotten past his own 30 and a Falcons player close behind. In case you missed it (you better not have) here is the play so you can watch . Not that that was a game changing moment or anything (hint: look at the scoreboard), but it didn't go unnoticed in the Niner's organization. Not only did Dre Bly "willingly" apologize, but he also impressed his coach by "willingly" apologizing.

So not only is this 2 blog posts in 1, but I even covered both bay area teams here. This really is the 2 for 1 SUPERPost. Now don't get used to this as next week, I will be going back to the traditional 1 in 1 weekly blogpost but you know what time to look for it. That's right the weekly Friday night at 11 o clock. So until next time, just enjoy this post for the time being.

1 comment:

  1. Way to come back and do double-time. Another fun post to read, Mr. Beach! Now a technical suggestion: instead of dropping the youtube url into the text, it's possible to actually embed the video into your blog post. At least, it should the post editor, isn't there a button for embedding video? Check it out; I'd love to see you do more of these specific play'd be cool to have the video right there and your text below or whatever. Just a thought.
