Friday, September 25, 2009

I Beg You

Many believe that baseball is America's past time but i think differently. Looking into the stands tonight watching the giant's game, I realized that baseball is a dying breed. If you look across the bay, though, it's a completely different story. Football has always been popular and if anything is on the up and up. While the Giants may be trying to squeeze into the playoff picture, but a quick 2-0 start by the Niners has stolen any attention from that. With a new era present in bay area football, it is time for the giants to move along and let football shine.

This isn't the first time that football has been number 1 in the bay area. Just look at 49ers who are tied for second with 5 Super Bowl titles second only to the Steeler's who just won last year. What isn't to like about the 49ers? They're young and talented with many great years ahead of them and have an owner who believes in his team and more importantly, their coach. Mike Singletary, who took over last year, is changing the team into winners. His motto "We want winners" can be seen on all AC Transit buses around the bay area which is a sign of a change. The state is getting behind the team and we know a great team when we see one.

Whether this is the year they win it or not, nobody knows. But, I can guarantee this wont be the last year they make the playoffs with this team. So it's important you get into football. I beg of you, whether it be watching a game this weekend, or playing fantasy football, PLEASE get into football and I promise you won't be disappointed with the results you will get from YOUR San Francisco 49ers.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kobe > Lebron

I'm sure many people disagree with this statement, but the of the matter is, Kobe is greater than Lebron. Last year, an incredible amount of people were hopping on the "Cavalier Bandwagon". It seems they jumped off just as fast as they got on which is bound to happen with any bandwagon. To those certain people, I had one simple question to ask them when the topic of who is better got brought up. That question was "Who's sitting at home, and who is out there winning his 4th title?" The silence after that only proved my point more. Lucky for them the Lakers won the title after school ended so they didn't have to try to defend their earlier statements about who is better.

Over the summer, Lebron furthered himself from the top spot in the NBA even farther, and the season hadn't even started. During one of his own camps, he got dunked on by a college player. On top of that, he told Nike about it and had them confiscate all of the visual evidence of him getting dunked on. When it was released many thought it was going to be a "Oh DAMN he got shitted on" kind of dunk. I think it was more of a "He got kinda shitted on. Sharted on." Kobe even went as far as saying at his own camp that nobody would be dunking on him at his camp. Granted he was at a camp for middle schoolers and the risk was really low, it still made national sports channels thought to be fuel to fire of this ongoing rivalry in the making. Many even said Kobe went too far to say that. I honestly think Lebron deserved it. What will happen next? Nobody knows but i guarantee it will be great.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Blog

In my blog, I plan to do a Sportscenter Top Plays kinda thing. I'll also break down the plays with certain stats and success rates for those plays. Videos of the Top Plays will be posted as well with break down and detailed analysis of al the plays.

I like to watch sports a lot because at one time or another, I played them all. However, I can't relate to hockey as I've never played it outside of on the street and running instead of skating. After playing all of these sports, I feel I have a new found respect for them and the time that must be put in to be successful at them.

I plan to improve my writing by spending more time on practicing it. Whether it be blog writing or writing writing, I hope to improve on it as much as possible before my college years come around where practice is over and it's time to put all that practice to work.